


本笔记参考《深入理解计算机系统(CSAPP)》 3.6~3.12章节还未阅读!!!

Rounding binary numbers:

  • Binary Fractional Numbers
  • "Even" when least significant bit is 0;
  • "Half way" when bits to right of rounding position = $ 100.._{2} $


  • 三种数字表示:
  • 无符号
  • 补码(表示有符号的数字)
  • 浮点数
  • 溢出(overflow):
  • 乘法的结合律是可行的:\(200*300*400*500 = -884907888\)
  • 浮点运算是不可结合的:eg:\((3.14+1e20)-1e20 = 0.0\)\(3.14+(1e20-1e20) = 3.14\)


2.1 信息储存

  • 虚拟内存(virtual memotry): 机器级程序将内存视为一个非常大的字节数组,称为虚拟内存
  • 地址(address): 内存的每个字节都由一个唯一的数字来标识,成为他的地址
  • 虚拟地址空间(virtual address space):所有可能地址的集合就成为虚拟地址空间


  • Decimal-十进制 Binary-二进制 Octal-八进制 Hexadecimal-16进制
  • 转化为10进制:
  • \((100101.01)_2 = (37.25)_{10}\)
  • \((3A.CH) = (59.875)_{10}\)
  • 10进制转化为其他进制(自己掌握计算方法):
  • \((1350.6875)_{10} = (1000 0111)_2\)
  • \(()_(10) = (0.1011)_2\)
  • 8->2,16->2注意技巧
  • \(2^{10}\) is kilo,denoted by K
  • 二进制加减乘除(其实类似十进制)

2.1.1 十六进制表示法

  • 一个字节有8位,值域\(0_{10} - 255_{10}\)
  • \(x = 2^n\)时,\(n = i+4j\),所以开头的十六进制数字为\(1(i=0),2(i=1),4(i=2),8(i=3)\),后面跟随着j个十六进制的0

2.1.3 寻址和字节顺序

  • 对象的地址为所使用字节中最小的地址
  • 小端法(little endian): 最低有效字节在最前边的方式
  • 大端法(big endian): 最高有效字节在最前边的方式(例子pg:29)


C语言字符串被编码为一个以null(值为0)字符结尾的字符数组,eg:"12345"->"31 32 33 34 35 00"

  • ASCII码:"0" -> 32 "A" -> 65 "a" -> 97

2.1.4 布尔代数简介

  • 非: ~ , 与: & , 或: | , 异或: ^
  • 位级运算的一个常见用法是实现掩码运算,掩码\(0xFF\)表示一个字的低位字节,而其他的字节就被置为0。比如,对于\(x = 0x89ABCDEF\),\(x\&0xFF = 0x000000EF\)

2.2 整数表示

2.2.3 补码编码

  • \(TMax_w = 2^{w-1}-1\)

2.2.6 扩展一个数字的位表示

  • 无符号数:,在表头添加0,称为零扩展
  • 补码数:在表示中添加最高有效位的值,称为符号扩展,eg: 101->1101->11101 都表示-3

2.2.7 截断数字

  • 无符号数:截断k位 \(x_1 = xmod2^k\)
  • 有符号数:截断k位 \(x_1 = xmod2^k\) if \(-2^{k-1}<=x<2^{k-1}\)



原码: 最高位为符号位,0表示正数,1表示负数 * +1 = 0000 0001 * -1 = 1000 0001 反码: 正数的反码是其原码本身,负数的反码是在原码的基础上,符号位不变,其余位取反 * +1 = 0000 0001 * -1 = 1111 1110 补码: 正数的补码是其原码本身,负数的补码是在原码的基础上,符号位不变,其余位取反后加1 * +1 = 0000 0001 * -1 = 1111 1111

补码->原码 * If is a negative number,then invert the bits of value part,and add 1 to the result.

计算机实际只存储补码,-128的补码是[1000 0000],所以八位的二进制数存储范围是[-128,127]

The machine code before and after the conversion is unchanged,but reinterpreted.

  • Logical operators in C alwats return 0 or 1 (&& || !)
  • !0x41 -> 0x00
  • !0x00 -> 0x01
  • In C,int is cast to unsigned!
  • Sign Extension:
  • Make k copies of sign bit
  • $ X' = x_{w-1},x_{w-1}.......x_{w-1},x_{w-2}....,x_{0} $

2.3 Interger Arithmetic(整数运算)

2.3.1 Unsigned Addition


  • if $ x + y_{u} > 2^{w+1} $ , $ x + y_{u} = x+y - 2^w $
  • Detecting overflow: $ s = x+y_{u} $ if $ s < x $ or $ s < y $, then the computation of s overflowed
  • Unsigned negation:$ -x_w = 2^w-x $ if $ x > 0 $

2.3.2 Two's-Complement Addition


\[ x + y_{t} = \begin{cases} x+y-2^{w}, 2^{w-1} <= x+y \\ x+y \\ x+y+2^{w},x+y<-2{w}-1 \end{cases} \]
  • Detecting positive overflow: x>0,y>0 but s<0
  • Detecting negative overflow: x<0,y<0 but s>0
  • Two's-Complement Negateion:
\[ -x_{t} = \begin{cases} TMin_{w},x = TMinw \\ -x, x>TMin_{w} \end{cases} \]

2.3.6 Multiplying by Constants

  • Mutiply非常耗费时间,所以通常转化为与2相乘然后进行移位操作.例如$ 14 = 2^{3} + 2^{2} + 2 \(,所以\) x * 14 = x2^{3} + x * 2^{2} + x2 $ or ${x * 14 = x2^{4} - x2} $
  • 乘以$ 2_{w} $ 相当于左移w位

2.3.7 Dividing by Power of 2

  • Division is slower than Multiplication
  • 对于任意常数,我们无法将其简单地转为除以多个2的幂次相加的情况,因为除法有舍入的问题(小数点舍去),如果将其简单的分解为多个数相除,那么小数的部分将会全部被舍去,这将会导致最终的结果与我们所预期的相差过大,
  • 除以$ 2^{w} $相当于右移w位:
  • Unsigned:$ [x_{w-1},x_{w-2},.....,x_{0}] -> [0,0,0,x_{w-1},...x_{0}]$
  • Signed: $ [x_{w-1},....,x_{0}] -> [x{w-1},x_{w-1},x_{w-1},x_{w-1},...,x_{0}]$

2.4 Floating Point

2.4.1 Fractional Binary Numbers

  • Fractional binary numbers notation can only representation numbers that can be written $x*2^{y} $.For example $\frac{1}{5} $ canot be represented exactly in binary,so it is an approximation.

2.4.2 IEEE Floating-Point Representation

$V = (-1)^{s}M2^{E} $ * single precision: 32 bits * 1 bit for sign S * 8 bits for exponent E * 23 bits for fraction M * double precision: 64 bits * 1 bit for sign S * 11 bits for exponent E * 52 bits for fraction M


exp的位模式不全为0,也不全为1时.以偏置(bias)形式表示,阶码的值$E=exp-bias $ ,其中$bias $ 是$2^{k-1}-1 \(,k是E的位数.尾数\)M=1+f $


  • 阶码全为0,尾数不为0,表示的是一个非常接近0的数,这种情况下尾数$M=f $


阶码全为1,尾数全为0,表示的是无穷大. 阶码全为1,尾数不为0,表示的是NaN(Not a Number)

2.4.4 Rounding(舍入)

向偶数舍入(round to even): 保证了舍入后的结果是最接近原始值的.The least significant digit of the result is evev.Thus it rounds $1.50 and $2.50 to $2 向零舍入(round toward zero): 舍入结果总是向0靠拢

2.4.5 Floating-Point Operations

计算不是一定精准的! * $(3.14 + 1e10) - 1e-10 = 0 $ ,because value 3.14 is lost due to rounding * \(1e10 * 1e10 * 1e-10 = 正无穷\) while \(1e10 *(1e10*1e-10) = 1e10\) * \(1e20 * 1e20 - 1e20 * 1e20 = NaN\)

2.4.6 Floating-Point in C

  • Conversions/Casting
  • Casting between int,float,duble changes bit representation,and the underlying bit partten is not changed
  • double/float -> int

    • Truncates fractional bit
    • Like rouding toward zero
  • \(x * x\) can be a negative number,because the overflow

3.Machine-Level Representation of Programs


由于笔者已经学过了些许汇编,所以本部分内容会比较简略,此处的是x86 assembly,并且3.6~3.12章节还未阅读

3.2 Program Encodings

linux> gcc -Og -o p p1.c p2.c -Og表示优化等级,-o表示输出文件名

The gcc command invokes an entire sequence of programs to turn the source code into executable code. 1. C Preprocessor(预处理) expands the source code to include any files spcified with #include commands and to expand any macros(宏) 2. The compiler generates assembly code versions of the two source files having names p1.s and p2.s 3. assembler(汇编器) converts the assembly code into binary object-code files(目标代码文件) p1.o and p2.o

The object code is one form of machine code-it contains binary representations of all the instructions,but the addresses of global values are not yet filled in.

  1. The linker(链接器) merges these two object-code files along with code implementing library functions(eg:printf) to produce the executable file p

Executable code is the second form of machine code.It is the exact form of code that is executed by the processor

3.2.1 Machine-Level Code

Assembly code makes no difference between signed and unsigned numbers,between different type of pointers,between pointer and integer.

At any given time,only limited subrange of virtual memory are considered valid.Now,the upper 16 bits must be set to zero,so an address is potentially specified a byte over \(2^{48}\)

The operating system manages this virtual address space,translating virtual addresses into physical addresses of values in the actual processor memory.

3.2.2 Code Examples

  • To see the assembly code generated by the compiler,gcc -Og -S xxx.c
  • To see the object code generated by the compiler,gcc -Og -c xxx.c
  • pushq indicates that the contents of register %rbx should be pushed onto the program stack

In linux,objdump -d xxx.o can be used to see the assembly code of the object code file(machine-code)

3.4 Accessing Information(访问信息)

general-purpose registers(通用寄存器): used to store integer data as well as pointers.

3.4.1 Operand Specifiers(操作数指示符)

Three types of operand specifiers: * immediate(立即数):for constant values,written wiht a $ followed by an integer using standard C notation.eg:$-577 or $0x1F(In ATT-format) * Register: * Memory:

3.4.2 Data Movement Instructions

When movl has a register as the destination,it will also set the high-order 4 bytes of the register to 0.(l means double word,a word is bytes in x86-64),but ohter mov instructions will not do this.

3.5 Arithmetic and Logical Operations

3.5.1 Load Effective Address

ld is actually a variant of the mov instruction that reads from memory to a register

And we just need to know that in x86,there are Unary and Binary Operations(一元和二元操作). For exmaple , incq(%rsp) causes the value in the stack pointer to be incremented by 1,just like a++ in C. And subq,%rax,%rdx causes the value in register %rax to be subtracted from the value in register %rdx,with the result being stored in %rdx.(rdx -= rax)

3.5.5 Special Arithmetic Operations


4.Processor Architecture

4.1 The Y86-64 Instruction Set Architecture



4.2 Logic Design and the Hardware Control Language HCL

Three major components are required to implement a digital system: * combinational logic to compute functions on the bits * memory elements to store bits * clock signals to regulate the updating of the memory elements.


4.3 Y86-64 的顺序实现



4.4 General Priciples of Pipelining

A key feature of pipelining is that it increases the throughput(吞吐量) of the system(i.e., the number of customers served per unit time), but it may also slightly increase the latency(延迟) (i.e., the time required to service an individual customer)

4.4.3 Limitations of Pipelining

  • Nonuniform Partitioning(不一致的划分): 每个阶段的延迟是不一致的,这样就会导致不同阶段间相互等待,最终提高了整体延迟
  • Diminishing Returns of Deep Pipelining(流水线过深,收益反而下降): 将组合逻辑电路分为更小块时,会用到更多的寄存器,这个时候由寄存器更新引起的延迟就成了一个限制因素

4.4.4 Pipelining a System with Feedback

4.5 Pipelined Y86-64 Implementations

